In Turning Angel, a novel by Greg Iles, one of the characters observes "The person who does nothing in a crisis is as bad as the one who caused it." How true that is. That's why the day after the earthquake in Haiti, our church immediately scheduled an emergency offering for the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC), an agency which has worked in Haiti for 30 years and is now helping survivors of the earthquake. That's why Hope Fellowship will be making its auditorium available for a benefit concert for Haiti by area musicians on Sunday evening, January 31. We can't do nothing; we must do something.
The millions of dollars now pouring in sounds like a lot, perhaps giving you the impression that your donation is hardly needed. But today's Globe and Mail says that $10 BILLION will be needed to rebuild the country. That's why we should not hesitate to donate.
So give something, so that it can not be said of you that you did nothing. And give with a view to the future needs of this brutalized country which will be there long after the media's attention has shifted elsewhere.
new life
14 years ago