Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There But For the Grace of God Go We

The news that David Dewees, the Grade Ten teacher from Toronto accused of sexual luring over the internet, committed suicide over the weekend is devastating not only to his students and colleagues, but to all of us. Such a desperate act! We can only imagine this young teacher's agony as he made his way to the subway station and placed himself before an approaching train. We can only imagine the confusion and pain of every young person he ever taught at school or led at Camp Pioneer. We can only imagine the horror and sorrow of his parents and family.
At times like this we must rely on God's grace and remember that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. This includes Christians who struggle with double lives or face the future without hope.
If the charges against him are proven to be true, we will need to pray for any and all the victims of his alleged sexual abuse. In the meantime, our prayers are with his extended family and all the kids who experienced him as a wonderful role model.
As we sort out our own feelings, let's be quick to admit "There but for the grace of God go I" and examine our own lives for anything that would hurt others and harm the cause of Christ.

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