Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Living Wisely in 2010

In 2009, some people did some really dumb things. A prime example is the Balloon Boy caper involving two "Reality Show Wannabe" parents who coached their three children to lie to the authorities and the media while staging a reckless stunt.

We need to be careful about pointing fingers, however, because all of us engaged in various kinds of foolishness, too, from spending money we didn't have to saying things that we'd love to take back. God only knows (and I use this expression deliberately) the scandalous things that we have thought and done that, but for the grace of God, could have gotten us into big trouble in the last twelve months.

What all of us need is a dose of common sense and a refresher course in biblical wisdom. To that end, in 2010, I'll be preaching through the book of Proverbs about "Living Wisely". If this appeals to you, listen in at "hopefellowship.ca".

Wisdom, to quote Norman Cousins, "is the anticipation of consequences". And I wish you a new year and decade characterized by wise choices that anticipate joy, peace and glory to God.

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