Apparently, it's a rare thing for everyone to get along in a family. But by some miracle, whenever my siblings and all of our spouses get together, we have a fabulous time. That's ten adults, each a leader in his or her own right, who can be together for a week without one person ruining it for everybody else.
For us, it begins with liking each other. And it continues with all of us accepting each other, quirks and all.
Perhaps the real key to our compatibility is another rarety: all ten of us love Jesus and are actively involved in a local church. All of our parents get a lot of credit for modeling joyful commitment to each other and to the Lord. But God gets all the glory for five couples in their fifties who enjoy each other's company and still have a living faith despite life's ups and downs.
A family wedding last weekend brought us together. And once again we talked non-stop and wished we could spend still more time with each other. That's why, despite feelings of sadness about their departure, I'm still thankful four days after the Thanksgiving weekend.
new life
14 years ago
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